
NLO Crystals


Density:5.67 g / cm3 

Hardness (Moh):8

Chamfer:45 deg ±5 deg

Parallelism:30 arc seconds

Perpendicularity:5 arc minutes

Surface Quality:10 - 5 scratch-dig

Wavefront Distortion:1/2 wave per inch of length

  • Description
  • Features
  • Curve

YSGG (Yttrium Scandium Gallium Garnet) doped with Chromium and Erbium provides an efficient laser crystal for generating 2.8 micron light in an important water absorption band.

Advantages of Cr, Er: YSGG

Lowest threshold and highest slope efficiency of common Erbium doped crystals(1,2)

Can be flash lamp pumped via Cr bands or diode pumped via Er bands

Operates CW, free-running or Q-switched

The intrinsic crystal disorder increases pump line widths and tenability


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